This is another banjo I've had for a long time, probably about thirty-five years. For some reason way back then, I decided I needed a banjo with a resonator. I don't know why. I've never really learned to play bluegrass. But I picked this up and never got rid of it. My understanding is Framus is German made. It was described by a luthier I've used as Germany's answer to "banjos for the masses". Never was quite sure what he meant by that. I had trouble with a loose neck for a while, but I've since tightened it up and it has a nice loud sound to it, compared with my long-necks. Yes, those are eagles on the peghead and the skin. I put them on to dress it up a long time ago. They're decals. This banjo is a top tension adjustment type, with a wood rim. It's a heavy unit, but plays nicely. I have the action in just the right spot.